
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I want to start this blog off by taking a moment to recognize how incredibly blessed and fortunate we are to have the ability and means to be on a journey like this. We are constantly seeing new places and meeting new people. Rich, poor, and everything in between. We have had to adapt to many different environments and cope with excruciatingly long travel days and learn to live with the bare minimum. All the while, we are living the dreams and desires that we have had in our hearts since we were young. Being on the world race has vividly painted the picture of just how blessed and highly favored we truly are. Although we only have what can fit on our backs, we have abundantly more than we could ever need.


 There are a few things I want to give a very brief update on.

  1. Just before leaving Kosovo to head Ukraine we found out that our team would be merging with another team on the squad. The leaders from both of the teams went back to the states so instead of having two small teams our squad leaders and mentor decided that it would be better to have one big team. Not only were we now going to have to get used to a new environment but also a whole new team dynamic. I’m not going to lie, I was very nervous at first and not looking forward to navigating the ins and outs of merging two teams. However, the transition could not have been smoother (in my opinion). We all fit together so well. Every person was able to adjust and adapt to a new way of doing things. Our new team has been a blessing.
  1. Since being in Ukraine we have had the privilege of partnering with a long standing, multifaceted and established children’s ministry in Odessa called Heritage Ukraine. Here are just a few incredible things about Heritage.
  • Heritage has helped prevent 78 children and counting in their region from being put in an orphanage due to home life conditions.
  • They supply shoes and socks (along with other necessities) to local orphans.
  • They run a fully functioning autism center called “Joy Center” for children on the spectrum who would otherwise go without any sort of treatment.
  • They run summer camps for 2 months every summer for children whose families are in need.
  • Deliver food and water for dozens of families in the area that may not be able to afford it otherwise.
  • Etc. 

Working with them and lending a helping hand wherever possible has been so sweet and such a joyous time.  

  1. Here is a list of specific ministries the team has been able to be part of so far.
  • Assisting in the Joy Center with older boys who have autism.
  • helping with fine motor skills (hammer and nails, card games, cutting and pasting etc.)
  • teaching and assisting with basic household chores (dishes, vacuuming, cleaning-up, cooking etc.)
  • Task completion and concentration.
  • Sensory exposure. 
  • Etc.

 I plan to give a more detailed update in the future once our time in Ukraine ends.


In the mean time, here are a few ways you can be praying for our team.

  1. Health. We all seem to be getting a bit under the weather.
  2. Rest. The team has been having trouble sleeping and feeling rested we are unable to be at our best for this ministry because we are exhausted.
  3. Continued unity and understanding as time goes on.
  4. Fundraising. Several people on our team are not fully funded (us included).

Fundraising on the field is quite the challenge. Pray that funds would flood in and none of us would have to think about it anymore in order to give 100% to the ministries we partner with.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this update and for praying with us! Your support is appreciated.


3 responses to “Blessings on Blessings”

  1. We love you both and love reading updates. Thank you!
    For Christmas we will send you a donation for the Adventures in Missions.

  2. You are so blessed. The ministry you all are doing sounds wonderful. I love that you count your blessings and share some of those in this forum!